Sofia Vergara Workout Routine
[ads1 id=”alignright”]Sofia Vergara is almost as famous for her acting as she is for her curves.
This beautiful Colombian actress grew up eating whatever she pleased, and was therefore quite heavy in her younger years.
As soon as she reached mental and physical maturity, Sofia transformed from a bulky caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. Today, she is one of the most admired women in the world.
Sofia does well to maintain a healthy body by constantly working out, and says she couldn’t stop exercising even if she wanted at this point. She still enjoys eating sweets like she did in her youth, only difference being that nowadays she spends a lot of time working out. Sofia does yoga, dances, rides a bicycle, and does a lot of fitness training in her spare time, which explains her curvy and healthy looking body.
Although she combines traditional workout methods with unconventional ones, she still makes time for regular routines as often as possible. Even so, Sofia herself says dancing had a major contribution to her physique, and who are we to contradict her? For the most part, she enjoys running and dancing, but it’s because of her workout that she looks the way she does. So without further ado, here are the methods she employs.
• Wide Dumbbell Squats – In order to develop and maintain a strong back, she does a lot of wide dumbbell squats, and the results can be seen by looking at pretty much any picture of her ever taken. On a related note, most busty women have a problem with back pains caused by the weight of their breasts, and this is the best training available to avoid the issue in the first place.
• Cardio – Sofia does a lot of cardio during her workout sessions. Cardio is perfect for losing weight and toning the body, attributes you must be familiar with as a TV star. During her cardio training, she does plenty of cycling and rope jumping, exercises that help relieve the extra fat she gathers by eating a lot of ice cream and sweets.
• Reverse Crunches – She practices reverse crunches regularly, and has been doing this for quite a while now. She has become so accustomed to them, that she doesn’t even use the mat sometimes. In all fairness, reverse crunches are extremely popular among TV and movie stars, so it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that Sofia Vergara, one of the healthiest celebrities in show business is a big fan of the practice.
• Close Grip Bicep Curls – This is the perfect way to develop and maintain strong limbs. Additionally, close grip bicep curls have the reputation of broadening chest muscles, so it is obvious that Sofia does a lot of them. All joking aside, most celebrities nowadays use this method to maintain healthy looking arms and shoulders, and Sofia is one of them.