[ads1 id=”alignright”]Last year, the 44-year old actress, dancer and singer found herself in a position where she had to let the whole world know that she has never had plastic surgery.
This happened after Dr. Ayham Al-Ayoubi, a facial laser and plastic surgeon from London, posted a tweet on Twitter claiming he could see “many signs of plastic surgery” on JLo’s face.
In order to refute the Dr.’s claim and clarify the matter, Jenifer posted a tweet on her own account, informing Dr. Al-Ayoubi that his claim is incorrect and that she has never had any kind of plastic surgery. The tweet that had initially been posted by Dr. Al-Ayoubi also included a would-be split-screen “before and after” photo of Jennifer, in which according to him, signs of “#plasticsurgery” could be seen.
In one photo, Jennifer could be seen wearing no makeup, while in the other, it could be seen that bronzer had been applied on her face, her eyes were heavily made up, and she was wearing lip gloss.

Jennifer Lopez Plastic Surgery Before and After
Of course, the good doctor was not being harsh or rude, rather he actually praised JLo for being “naturally pretty” and looking “amazing” after apparently going under the knife. Nonetheless, Jennifer’s fans did not take the Dr. Al-Ayoubi’s tweet lightly and snubbed him for his comments. Someone else called him a “fake doctor.”
Obviously, Dr. Al-Ayoubi was left with no choice but to take down the tweet and apologize to Jennifer Lopez, not once but twice. Surprisingly, he posted another tweet stating that the controversial tweet had not even been posted by him, but by his assistant without his knowledge. He even went on to call her a naturally “beautiful woman” and admitted that it was apparently her clever make that enhanced her features, making her appear a bit different.
No one can say for sure whether it was Dr. Ayham Al-Ayoubi or his “assistant” who had posted the tweet. However, if JLo’s current photos and the ones from yesteryears are placed side by side, it is easy to get fooled into thinking that she may have gone under the knife, regardless of whether it is true or not. But our humble opinion is this looks like a nose job at least.