[ads1 id=”alignright”]It is likely that everyone knows by now what Jennifer Love Hewitt did last summer.
Even if it wasn’t exactly last summer, at some point in the past, Jennifer had probably undergone breast augmentation.
Some sources have been attributing her expanding cleavage and huge breasts to weight gain as she managed to put on a few punds recently.
However, Jennifer does not really have a really fat body even though her breasts are C-cups, so that explanation is not entirely credible.
Dr. John Di Saia, a California-based plastic surgeon, explains that weight gain in women can lead to some increase in their breast volume. However, he also points out that the same appearance can also be a result of smaller breast implants too.
Her bra commercial had also suggested that the beautiful actress may have indeed undergone breast augmentation at some point in the past.
However, Jennifer has actually denied the rumor that she may have gotten breast implants. Jennifer is actually aware of the fact that there are websites dedicated to her breasts and she claims that she is “fascinated” with checking them out.
It is surprising that Jennifer Love Hewitt is so lighthearted about the fact that people are so focused on her breasts. Apparently, she finds it funny and admits that she feels “completely insecure” about certain parts of her body.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Breast Implants Plastic Surgery Before and After
She also claims that she is “fine” with people paying so much attention to her breasts. The fact that Jennifer has even considered posing nude in Playboy makes it even harder to believe that she does not have implants.
Considering that Jennifer Love Hewitt keeps on appearing in revealing outfits that accentuate her breasts, it is not hard to notice that they are not the same size as they once were.
Still, the rest of her looks as slim as it once was, perhaps a bit curvier. So, rather than gaining weight, Jennifer Love Hewitt may have gained a pair of implants in her breasts in the past.