Katy Perry’s Workout Routine
[ads1 id=”alignright”]Katy Perry herself said in an interview that she has reached the age at which she can no longer indulge herself with unhealthy food.
Not only this, but she is also required to keep herself in shape for her fans. This is tricky as Katy absolutely hates going to the gym, and would do anything to stop going.
Thankfully for her, she is surrounded by people who support her and provide her the motivation she requires to keep being gorgeous.
When mental motivation isn’t enough, however, Katy motivates herself with coffee. So every time she needs to get motivated for her workout, she drinks an espresso, or a double espresso if she is tired as well. According to her, she exercises around three to four times a week, although she misses a session every once in a while. She realizes that she needs to exercise in order to make herself look great, but she also realizes that workout sessions require a great deal of motivation.
In her spare time, Katy likes to go hiking as often as possible. She even wears an armband that records the details of her workout, an app that she says has helped her very much recently. According to her, she takes a minimum of ten thousands steps per hike. When she’s not hiking, she prefers to ride a bicycle up and down the street. When she was living in New York, she would often ride her bike around Central Park.
According to her trainer, Katy follows a training regime that requires her to eat five small meals every day. This helps her assimilate proteins in a calculated fashion throughout the day. Furthermore, Katy is a big fan of the ‘Spinning’ workout, and she enjoys burning calories on the sound of music as often as possible.