Robert Downey Jr Plastic Surgery Before and After

[ads1 id=”alignright”]The talented Robert Downey Jr is without a doubt one of the greatest actors in Hollywood these days and perhaps one of the greatest who ever lived.

Not even someone as famous and respected as he is can get away from plastic surgery allegations as there are quite a few who say that Robert went under the knife at some point.

Although Robert has always been a handsome man, some of his facial characteristics appear to have changed ever so slightly over the years.

By the looks of things, Robert’s face seems to have gone through a series of procedures over time, starting from an alleged nose job he had when he was younger. He apparently followed the nose job with jaw surgery, or at least that’s what his currently perfect jaw line would suggest.

When comparing older pictures of Robert Downey Jr with pictures of him today, we see how his face appears to have changed ever so slightly. The most obvious procedure here has to be the nose job that Robert had many years ago.robert downey

You see, Robert used to have a bumpy nose which gave his face a boyish look, whereas these days his nose is much sharper overall. There are, of course, those who say that his nose only appears to have changed because of how much the rest of his face changed over time because of the many events in his personal life.

Also worth mentioning is the fact that despite his age, Robert shows very few signs of aging. This has led people to presume that not only did Robert go under the knife at some point but that he also uses Botox injections on a regular basis.robert downej jr plastic surgery

Needless to say, there aren’t many obvious changes in his appearance to warrant a definitive verdict on whether he had serious work done on his face or not, although all the signs point towards a nose job, jaw surgery, and facial fillers he may have had.

All in all, Robert has never even hinted at undergoing plastic surgery, so it is safe to say that if he had any work done, then he is very good at keeping it on the down low.

Still, there are many those who say that Robert underwent plastic surgery at least once throughout the years, especially given how youthful and clean his face looks.