[ads1 id=”alignright”]It is no longer a rumor that Lauren Holly may have undergone plastic surgery because she acknowledged that she had her appearance boost with the help of various cosmetic procedures.
It is quite bold of 50 year old Lauren to truthfully admit that she is glad that she went under the knife because it apparently not only helped enhance her appearance but also gave her self confidence and esteem.
Apparently, Lauren Holly believed that she did not exactly have the ideal breasts and apparently this is why she made the decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery.
Looking at her bust size, it should be obvious that she went to an experienced plastic surgeon who did a perfect job. The recent difference in the size of her bust becomes obvious by comparing recent pictures of her with older ones.
As of lately, the shape of her breasts seems to be improved and her breasts appear to fit the rest of her features more perfectly now. In fact, an increase in her bust size has made her more dashing and flaunting.

Lauren Holly Breast Implants Plastic Surgery Before and After
As of lately, Lauren Holly’s face has also appeared to be free of wrinkles, as well as more radiant and smooth. Lauren Holly actually looks amazing for a 50 year old woman without any signs of aging, such as loose skin and wrinkles. Sure, perhaps she might be aging gracefully, but it could not be possible to such an extent without some plastic surgery.
According to frequent reports, Lauren Holly may have started going under the knife since the 90s. Although there have been several reports that Lauren Holly has been open and public about her plastic surgeries, there are also speculations that this may not be true.
In fact, some believe that Lauren Holly has been quite hush-hush about these alleged plastic surgeries and has not admitted to anything. Nonetheless, the obvious signs cannot be denied.