[ads1 id=”alignright”]An outcry was heard recently from Rachel Weisz against Botox, a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that she apparently has a problem with.
Rachel Weisz said that Botox fillers and injections should be banned for her fellow actors and pretty much everybody in show business.
Although it is not certain whether or Rachel Weisz has the same feelings towards more invasive plastic surgery procedures, there seems to be a consensus that Rachel herself has never gone under the knife.
In a recent interview, Rachel expressed her opinion that Botox use should be banned in the field of acting just like doping is banned in sport. Many plastic surgeons unanimously believe that Rachel Weisz has not undergone any plastic surgery procedure, but they also admit that she will not be able to stay away from going under the knife for long. After all, she isn’t exactly young anymore.
Her rant, however, got people thinking about whether not Rachel herself went under the knife at some point or not. She might say that her wrinkle-free face is a result of proper care, but there are plenty of those who believe that she had a facelift not long ago.
By comparing older pictures of Rachel with recent ones, we see that Rachel’s skin maintained its smoothness over the years, which is exactly why people have accused her of going under the knife in the first place.

Rachel Weisz Facelift Plastic Surgery Before and After
According to Dr. Anthony Youn, if Rachael does not use Botox and wants its use to be banned, there is a possibility that she probably already uses or might eventually use Dysport.
Apparently, this is an injectable alternative to Botox that has been introduced recently. The use of Dysport yields the same results, which is wrinkle-free skin, which is something that Rachel Weisz possesses, despite her age.
In fact, Dr. Paul S. Nassif, another plastic surgeon, believes that Rachel is lucky enough to have aged gracefully and have no wrinkles on her face yet. He somewhat jokingly and sarcastically claims that this is the very reason that Rachel has not considered using Botox or going under the knife until now. He believes that once the signs of ageing begin to appear, Rachel might just change her mind.
Dr. Paul even adds that Rachel would possibly also benefit from a subtle rhinoplasty surgery. Nonetheless, he also doubts that Rachel has been under the knife. All that remains is to wait for the day when even Rachel Weisz decides to pay a visit to a plastic surgeon’s clinic.