[ads1 id=”alignright”]There is something about being in the spotlight at all times that turns people towards addictions and destructive lifestyles. Some manage to cope with all the attention in a constructive manner, while others fall prey to temptation and take years to get back on track.
We hear about celebrities battling addictions on a daily basis, and we often wonder about their state of mind when they embark in the dangerous slippery slope of substance abuse. We say to ourselves that we would never make the mistakes they do, yet we have no way of knowing what the life of a celebrity is all about. Here are some famous people who overcame their addictions, sometimes against all odds.
Jennifer Aniston
We first saw Jennifer play Rachel Green, a clean and friendly character in ‘Friends’. In her personal life however, Jennifer fought her fair share of addictions. During her ‘Friends’ days for example, Jennifer was a chain smoker and a caffeine abuser. It wasn’t until 2007 that she finally sought professional help with her smoking problem, and she is now a healthier woman because of it.

Jennifer Aniston
Eric Clapton
Eric’s addiction to heroin is very well known by now, and he lost plenty in life because of it. It is said that Eric once spent $16,000 on heroin during a single week, which is evidence enough about his dangerous addiction.
At one point, he even passed out on stage during a performance and had to be given CPR in front of his audience. Eric eventually defeated his demons with the help of his friend Pete Townsend, and has dedicated a large portion of his time afterwards setting up the Crossroads facility for drug treatment.

Eric Clapton
Catherine Zeta Jones
Just like Jennifer, Catherine used to smoke once cigarette after another at one point. She picked up the habit in her teenage years, and she made little to no effort to get rid of it until she was in her 30’s. At one point, a paparazzi caught her smoking while pregnant, a moment that made Catherine reconsider her priorities in life, especially considering the scandal that followed soon after.

Catherine Zeta Jones
The life of a rock star involves a lot of partying and drug use by default, so it isn’t much of surprise that some of them fall prey to substance abuse. This is exactly what happened to former Guns n’ Roses guitarist, Slash. During the summer of 2001, Slash was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, an affliction he developed as a side effect of drug use.
During his career, Slash has abused every substance known to man, from alcohol to heroin and everything in between. After seeking help with his addictions, Slash embarked in a more temperate and cautious lifestyle.

Brian Welch
Brian used to be addicted to sleeping pills, Xanax, and alcohol during his Korn days, but not anymore. In 2005, he converted to Christianity by being baptized in the river Jordan, which made him change his wicked ways and turn towards the light.
This may sound a bit poetic, but it is exactly how the man himself talks about the experience. Furthermore, Brian now makes Christian music which is a long way from his heavy metal days.

Brian Welch
Jon Stewart
He was only 15 years old when he started smoking, and he did so for most of his life afterwards. We all know Jon as the funny host of The Daily Show, but there is a slightly darker side to Jon Stewart that not everybody knows.
During his teenage years, Jon battled depression, and he recalls picking up smoking as a way to fill a void in his personal life. Ever since the year 2000 however, Jon is no longer a smoker, an accomplishment he partially dedicates to the CGL Foundation.

Jon Stewart
Oprah Winfrey
During an interview, famous TV host Oprah Winfrey revealed that she was using crack cocaine during the 80’s, but that she distanced herself from the substance soon after.
By watching her shows, you wouldn’t expect her to be the type of person who would use crack cocaine, but then again this entire ordeal happened in the 80’s, and we all know how the world was back then.

Oprah Winfrey
Matt Damon
Matt is the type of guy you want to have a beer with, so you wouldn’t normally picture him as a substance abuser. In all fairness, Matt’s drug of choice wasn’t such a hard one compared to other celebrities on our list. Matt used to smoke during his younger years, quite a lot actually.
It wasn’t until he realized how ugly he looked with a cigarette in his mouth that he eventually decided to get help, although we have a real problem imagining Matt Damon ugly.

Matt Damon
Steven Tyler
We already talked about the lives of rock stars, and how substance abuse is a big part of them. This is exactly what the lead singer of Aerosmith, Steven Tyler found out during his younger days, as he abused almost every substance there is.
In all fairness, Steven started doing drugs since high school, so we can’t blame fame for it. Even though Steven fought a personal battle with a prescription drugs abuse not so long ago, he is nowadays clean and sober like never before.
- Steven Tyler
Eminem is one of the most controversial characters in show business. The famous rapper is notorious for playing by his own rules and standards, but drugs almost ended his career.
It wasn’t until Elton John of all people reached out to him in an effort to help Eminem kick the habit, that he finally sobered up and got his life back on track. Judging by the huge success Eminem had recently with his new songs, it is safe to say that he is finally off whatever was hurting his talent in recent years, and we can’t wait to hear his next songs.
