Kendall Jenner Workout Routine
[ads1 id=”alignright”]Kendall Jenner has admitted that keeping “active” and “fit” is ingrained in her personality. No wonder she keeps active and busy, whether it is running around with her friends or working out.
Much like her sister, she prefers to stay as active as possible in order to be fit. Of course, she is lucky that she is always on the move since she travels a lot in her line of work.
In fact, she is so committed staying active and fit that she did not even stop working out when she had not seen Harry Styles, her boyfriend, for nearly 2 weeks.
Three days after her mother’s Christmas Eve party last year, the 18-year old model and television personality was spooted exiting a gym in Los Angeles. No wonder she has an incredibly thin frame and impossibly long legs seeing how she never stops working out.
The people who have been keeping an eye on the number of times Kendall Jenner has appeared in Fashion Week, they surely must be in awe or envious of her body, especially her abdomen. Therefore, it should be quite apparent that exercises and workouts that are “core related” happen to be her favorites.
You see, Kendall Jenner has her own set of workouts that keep her abs at washboard levels. Apparently, one of her sure fire ways to flat stomach and a strong core is ‘some serious planking action‘ according to Kendall herself.
Another excellent core workout that she apparently indulges in is paddle boarding. However, it is most likely strength training that makes up most of her workout routine.
According to Kendall Jenner, maintaining weight and staying fit is not just about keeping active and working out, but it is more about changing your eating habits and lifestyle. She even advises people to avoid allowing others bring them down and encourages them to “ignore the haters.”
Perhaps Kendall Jenner’s most valuable advice, which she probably lives up to herself as well, is that people should try their best to remain motivated, to eat healthy, and to work out.