Kesha Workout Routine
[ads1 id=”alignright”]Ke$ha is known for her crazy outfits and singing about brushing her “teeth with a bottle of Jack”. The truth, however, is that we never really get a glimpse of Kesha’s other side. The rapper, singer-songwriter actually eats well, and regularly bikes, hikes, rock climbs and swims.
According to her, eating healthy and working out helps her be more confident and “stay sane.” It is obvious that the 27-year old pop star is confident about her body, considering that she frequently dips her body in glitter and shows it off onstage.
Despite her party-girl image, Kesha actually claims that she has to eat a healthy diet and work out in order to look the way she does.
Kesha would like everyone to know that she does not sit around, drinking whiskey all day. According to her, if she partied hard and got drunk every night, she would never be able to keep on her tours. Indeed, anyone who has watched her shows will know that they tend to be very energetic—where she is often seen dancing and singing simultaneously, while running around onstage. She claims that whenever she trains for a tour, it feels like she is training for a marathon.
Anyone who follows Ke$ha may have seen the risqué shots of her bare behind that she frequently shares, especially last year. Kit Rich, Kesha’s trainer, claims that she has actually put in plenty of hard work to achieve her figure.
Kit Rich claims that Kesha has been doing plenty of circuit training and Pilates exercises with weights incorporated into that in order to shape her figure. Her workout includes isolated glute exercises, lunges, squats and stairs. Lunging up stairs is one of Kit Rich’s favorite moves from Kesha’s workout routine.
Kesha has even admitted to hitting the streets after her concerts and running until she gets exhausted, so no wonder she has such a fit and slim figure.