Olivia Wilde Workout Routine
[ads1 id=”alignright”]Olivia Wilde has always been careful about her figure, but her role as Quorra in Tron demanded a whole new level of fitness from her behalf.
In this movie, she played a cat suit-wearing warrior who does everything in her power to save the main character’s life when he enters the game world. During this role, Olivia had to completely transform her body, and maintain in within her newly-developed standards at all times.
Olivia herself said in an interview that she never in her life looked as fit as she did while filming Tron. In fact, she claims that her role in Tron is the most physically-demanding role she has ever played. Even so, Olivia doesn’t regret going through all that hard work, as it showed her what her limits were, and how much better her better self could be.
For her role in the movie, Olivia had to train with celebrity trainer Patrick Murphy, who did a pretty good job after all. She had to be at her best during the filming because most of the stunts and fighting scenes were extremely demanding, so she had to not only be in perfect shape, but maintain balance while being elegant at the same time. She has always been a fan of dancing, so some of the moves she was required to perform while filming were done by Olivia with real grace and elegance, while other more demanding moves had to be rehearsed over and over again. All this stress would have tired an untrained actor rather quickly, which is why Olivia had to get in her best shape before the actual filming started.
Before she could be fit enough to play the demanding role of Quorra, Olivia had to train for 5-6 days a week, according to a routine that involved weight-lifting, cardio exercises, and martial arts. Interestingly enough, Olivia wasn’t allowed to gain or lose weight while filming because of how unique the costumes were. Each costume was designed to fit a specific profile, and because they were so futuristic and high-tech, it would have been too much work to redesign them every time an actor lost track of their figure.
Also, the role Olivia had to play demanded that she greatly improves her physical strength and stamina, so by the time she finished filming, she impressed herself with how good she was looking.
In order to get Olivia in the best shape possible, trainer Patrick Murphy created a circuit for her, a working routine that gravitates around gaining muscle and burning mass calories. So after warming up with 5 to 10 minutes of cardio, Olivia started doing reverse lunges into leg swing, about 15 reps on each leg.
Then, she would do 10 reps of side to side skips, 20 reps of squats, curls, press, calve rises, 20 reps of jump lunges, 20 reps of squat rows, 20 reps of power push-ups, and torso rotations for about 15 reps on each side. This allowed her to burn around 500-600 calories per hour, and boost her muscle mass in a quick fashion.