[ads1 id=”alignright”]When the issue of whether not they had plastic surgery gets a lot of attention, most celebrities get a lot of stick from critics and fans alike.
This is precisely what happened when Jennifer Garner got her fair share of unwanted attention regarding her alleged nose job.
Nobody knows exactly why the subject got the publicity it got at the time, maybe it had something to do with people’s perception of Jennifer and how naturally good looking she is.
However, it does seem that Jennifer went under the knife on several occasions, or at least that’s what celebrity watchers have been saying for quite a while now. When asked about them, Jennifer did a good job at denying that she had any plastic surgery whatsoever, but this isn’t enough to stop the rumors nowadays.
Some people say that Jennifer Garner used to have a slightly wider nose compared to how her nose looks like these days, and there are plenty of pictures to confirm these allegations. Actually, her current smooth, narrow nose looks very much unlike the nose she used to have back in the day.
If we compare recent pictures of Jennifer Garner with pictures of her from when she first got into acting, we see that her current nose has a sharp tip, and that it doesn’t point downwards anymore. It does seem that the bridge of her nose changed in shape over time, and all signs are pointing towards a nose job that she allegedly had.

Jennifer Garner Nose Job Plastic Surgery Before and After
Still, Jennifer has always denied these allegations, and continues to deny them to this day. It’s not enough to stop people from talking about it, of course, but it’s the right course of action more or less.
Furthermore, Jennifer is also accused of having lip augmentation surgery at some point, as they appear much fuller nowadays than they used to look like just a few years ago.
Last but not least, she is also accused of turning to cosmetic dentistry to ‘fix’ the shape of her teeth that made her very self-conscious when she was younger.
Plastic surgery or not, Jenifer Garner remains an attractive woman in spite of the fact that she isn’t exactly a young woman anymore.