[ads1 id=”alignright”]No doubt, it is hard not to like Julie Bowen, considering how adorable and fun it is to watch her on the ABC sitcom “Modern Family.”
This actually makes it even harder to believe that her supposedly all-natural good looks are actually not so natural after all.
Back when the sitcom was ready to premiere, an on-set picture of Julie Bowen had surfaced around that time, which revealed that her breasts are probably not so natural.
Even though Julie Bowen has three children, it is apparent that she has worked hard and has been considerably successful in maintaining her figure. She looks just like she did before her third pregnancy.
Apart from the occasional Botox injection into her forehead and the use of other skin products, it seems that Julie is aging naturally.
A few years ago, Julie Bowen had been in Hawaii, where photographs of the swimsuit-clad actress had been clicked while scenes for Modern Family were being shot. These pictures apparently reveal that Julie’s large breasts on her slim frame are probably a result of breast augmentation.
After Dr. Anthony Youn, a Michigan-based plastic surgeon, took a look at the photo, he believes that it is “definitely possible” that Julie Bowen may have undergone breast augmentation. However, he also points out that her alleged breast implants are not “excessively large” and fit her slim frame.
Even Dr. Michael Salzhauer, a Miami-based plastic surgeon, is certain that Julie Bowen may have gotten breast implants since her cleavage has a wide gap between it.

Julie Bowen Breast Implants Plastic Surgery Before and After
He explains that when undergoing breast augmentation, implants should be chosen based on the width of the chest. Dr. Michael believes that Julie Bowen’s alleged breast implants do not look completely natural because she may have gone with slightly smaller implants.
Dr. Michael also adds that the gap between her breasts is also a result of Julie’s extreme thinness and the fact that her alleged breast implants are probably not covered by sufficient tissue.
Then again, Julie Bowen’s breasts still appear as if they are fairly natural, even though her breast augmentation is not disguised very well.