Justin Bieber Workout Routine
[ads1 id=”alignright”]Justin Bieber recently got the accolades from his peers when he showed off his new muscular and toned body.
As you can imagine, the ladies were more than captivated and he, in style, said that he has been working out quite intensely at the gym to better himself physically.
The workout was especially effective for him since he has a naturally athletic body. A little workout brought out the abs and he is now all smiles.
Sample 6 pack workout
It is not possible to get a 6 pack without doing some cardiovascular exercises as they help in the shedding of fat more than any other exercise. Some of the exercises in this category are rowing, jogging, running and cycling. The first thing to make your abs visible is to get rid of the fat that is in the body. As you do so, it is critical that you make sure that you have a regular diet so as to make sure that your body’s metabolism is kept running. No fast food or fats if you can help it.
Small meals that are rich in protein are the best and they should be combined with weight and resistance training in order to develop the much needed muscles. When carrying out these exercises, it is important that you involve as many muscles as possible as this makes the process of getting the abs faster. Here are the exercises Justin did to achieve his current figure:
Burpees: There are various types that you can try out. You can start by being straight on your feet and then touch the ground with your hands until you get to squat. Once done, extend your foot backwards, return to the former squat position and stand up.
- Walking Lunges: They are most effective when done after a workout session.
- Squats: They are good as they involve lots o muscle groups.
- Dumbbell Swigs: They strengthen the back and legs.
- Crunches: Works on strengthening the rectus abdominis muscles.
- Setups: They work the same as crunches.
- Leg lifts: They strengthen the legs and lower back.
Diet Advice
Just like Justin Bieber, you need to make sure that you drink lots of water, warm up before starting on workout, avoid alcohol and don’t overdo cardios to get rid of belly fat. In addition to all this, Justin Bieber eats small meals on a regular basis, eats whole grains as opposed to refined foods, and eats real fruits as opposed to making juice off them.
These are some of the things that have transformed Justin Bieber’s physique into what it looks like today, and his female fans absolutely love it.