[ads1 id=”alignright”]She was once considered one of the most stylish women in Hollywood, yet Lara Flynn Boyle looks nothing like her older self anymore.
Nowadays, the actress looks almost unrecognizable following her multiple plastic surgeries, some that were botched apparently.
Lara was seen recently with puffy cheeks and lips that were attributed to facial fillers, and there might just be some truth to these rumors after all.
Although Lara has remained silent following the plastic surgery allegations, it has become pretty clear that she had them. It would be hard to say at this point which one of the procedures was more damaging to her image, so we’ll presume that they all were.
Judging by how her face looks, Lara Flynn Boyle had Botox injections on several occasions lately, along with other facial fillers as well. It is also being said that she had a facelift not so long ago, and truth be told, the signs are there.

Lara Flynn Boyle Plastic Surgery Before and After Botox Injections
If we are to compare recent pictures of Lara Flynn Boyle with pictures of her older self, we see that her face is a lot more ‘puffy’ these days, and so are her lips and neck. By the looks of things, Lara had dermal fillers injected into her face on multiple occasions.

Lara Flynn Boyle Plastic Surgery Before and After Botox Injections
The speculations regarding her alleged cosmetic surgeries started a few years ago, and they haven’t stop to this day. The fact that she appears a bit different every time she makes a public appearance makes matters even worse.

Lara Flynn Boyle Plastic Surgery Before and After Botox Injections
Even though almost every person who has seen Lara Flynn Boyle’s recent photographs has concluded that she most likely had work done on her face, the actress remains silent on the subject.
Truth be told, there wouldn’t be much to be said on the subject, especially when the alleged procedures are so obvious and the results are so damaging.