[ads1 id=”alignright”]There have been rumors that Ray Liotta may have had his laugh lines eliminated by getting dermal injections pumped into his face, such as Restylane.
The 59 year old actor is now more than just a middle aged man, but surprisingly no wrinkles can be seen around his eyes and on his forehead.
It is very likely that Ray Liotta’s wrinkle-free face is a result of getting Botox injected around his eyes and into his forehead.
Sadly for Ray Liotta, even his fans believe that he may have gone under the knife. Therefore, it is most likely that the rumors about Ray Liotta having gotten plastic surgeries done are probably true. At 59 years old, Ray Liotta might as well be nearing the end of his career but he obviously would not want that and that is probably the reason that he may have decided to have plastic surgery.
After all, there are plenty of up and coming young actors against whom he must compete. For an ageing man like him, it is definitely not natural to not have any wrinkles around his eyes and on his forehead.

Ray Liotta Facelift Plastic Surgery Before and After
Dr. Anthony Griffin, a plastic surgeon, has expressed his opinions about Ray Liotta’s look that has been seen in recent public appearances. Dr. Anthony does indeed believe that he may have gotten Restylane injections or some other filler injections for his laugh lines.
At the same time, his appearance also shows signs of the development of jowl. Apparently, Ray Liotta also has had a history of acne, and these alleged cosmetic injections have left his skin looking awful.
Of course, it is quite natural that such rumors have been bluntly denied by Ray Liotta’s spokesperson. However, then again, no celebrity is eager to admit that they may have gone under the knife.
All things considered, at his age, Ray Liotta cannot be entirely blamed from undergoing plastic surgery.