[ads1 id=”alignright”]Women all over the world fell head over heels when Ryan Gosling played the hopeless romantic teenager Noah in ‘The Notebook‘ and ever since, he has become known as one of the biggest heartthrobs in Hollywood. However, last year, Ryan was accused by Michelle Villett, a beauty blogger, of going under the knife in order to further his chances of excelling in the looks department.
Villet apparently analyzed photos of the 33-year old actor taken over the years, and her observation was that his nose is not as long, projecting and thick as it used to be. Villett compared photos of Ryan from back in the 90s, when he was a part of The Mickey Mouse Club, to his photos from 2007. Indeed, it can be seen that the bridge of his nose is much straighter, so it may be likely that Ryan had a rhinoplasty around this time. Villet even believes that Ryan may have had multiple nose jobs.

Ryan Gosling Plastic Surgery Before and After
Michelle Villett even used recent photos of Ryan to highlight the fact that Ryan’s nose is much straighter now, he has much refined, “tiny” nostrils, and tip that his nose once had is no longer there. It is agreeable that Ryan’s nose surely does not look quite the same as it did back during his early days.

Ryan Gosling Plastic Surgery Before and After
Dr. Yannis Alexandrides, a celebrity plastic surgeon, believes that changes have certainly occurred in the appearance of Ryan’s nose over the years, though subtle. Dr. Alexandrides pointed out the fact that rhinoplasty is meant to alter the nose in a way that it resembles its original look and complement the person’s facial features.

Ryan Gosling Plastic Surgery Before and After
Hence, there is a possibility that Ryan Gosling may have had minor alterations done to his nose by going under the knife. The changes are certainly not dramatic, but it cannot be denied that the bridge of his was much wider that it is now and his nose had a noticeable hump that is not there anymore.