[ads1 id=”alignright”]The former Miss America appears to have had her fair share of cosmetic interventions over time.
Although she is now in her fifties, Vanessa Williams refuses to show any signs of getting old(er).
Furthermore, her appearance changed considerably over these past few years, a fact that has very little to do with aging.
Celebrity watchers have been saying for quite a while now that Vanessa Williams is a fan of Botox injections, and it shows. Her once expressive face looks almost frozen nowadays, while her face looks unnaturally shiny.
For those of you who don’t know a whole lot about plastic surgery, ‘shiny skin’ is one of the side-effects of Botox injections and Vanessa’s face almost sparkles. This, combined with her puffy cheek bones and her frozen face, made people wonder if Vanessa’s everlasting beauty is natural after all.
If we are to compare pictures of Vanessa Williams from back when she was in her prime with pictures of her today, we see that the symmetry of her face changed considerably over the years. It does look a lot like Vanessa Williams went under the knife a few times, no question about it.

Vanessa Williams Plastic Surgery Before and After Botox Injections
At this point, we would normally claim that the celebrity in question might have also followed a diet plan or a skin care treatment to achieve the effects currently on display.
In Vanessa’s case, however, it is becoming clearer and clearer that she had Botox injections on several occasions, along with other types of facial fillers as well.
It will be interesting to see in what way Vanessa’s appearance changes over the next few years, or if her face will start moving again when she talks.
All things considered, she didn’t go overboard with plastic surgery, but there is plenty of evidence that she went under the plastic surgeon’s knife at least once at some point.