Daniel Craig Workout Routine for Skyfall
[ads1 id=”alignright”]Daniel is the first muscular Bond the public has seen, and they’re loving him. Although Sean Connery was also pretty athletic back in the day, he was nowhere near the level of Daniel Craig in terms of muscles.
It is fair to say that Daniel Craig has revolutionized the image of James Bond altogether. It wasn’t all genetics that gave Daniel that body, even though they played a role of their own.
The muscular actor did plenty of exercising to prepare for his famous role, but then again, Daniel doesn’t really need a reason to work out, as we will soon find out.
Most people do warm-ups to get themselves ready for working out, Daniel’s warm-ups aren’t like that. He puts a lot of effort into these warm-ups, more than some people put into the workout itself. For instance, Daniel rows for 300m at half pace, and another 300m at full force, and this is before any workout session even starts. Rowing isn’t just a big part of his warm-up sessions, but a big part of his workouts as well. Daniel always had a thing for rowing, even before he was a famous actor, and it shows on his physique. Still, in order to become 007, Daniel had to follow a specific routine, one that didn’t necessarily involve rowing.
Daniel knows as well as anyone that a daily routine is essential for hitting your long term goals, especially when it comes to working out. Therefore, he set up a routine that allowed him to mix it up every once in a while, without cutting down on the intensity. Daniel followed this workout routine every single day, and did everything in his power not to miss a single session. During his workouts, he focused on his upper body strength, as well as the development of his muscle mass. At some point, he did focus only on toning his body alone, but this was usually before attending photo shoots.
In order to achieve his desired physique for the role, Daniel asked personal trailer Simon Waterson for help. Together, they designed both the workout routine and the diet plan that Daniel had to follow in order to succeed. Daniel kept all of his sessions extremely intense. The few rests he took were short, and they were always followed by hard work. This is the reason why Daniel Craig went from having a lean body to having an extremely muscular body in such a short period of time. Throughout his intense training regime, Daniel ate plenty of low carb dishes and supplements, and got plenty of sleep.