[ads1 id=”alignright”]We should start off by saying that Carrot Top is one of those celebrities who almost everyone agrees have had plastic surgery at least once.
The arguably funny Carrot Top, by his real name Scott Thompson, has always been under scrutiny throughout his career, whether for his sometimes lacking material, or his physical appearance.
At this point, we should remind people that Carrot Top suffered massive transformations over the years, some of them being owed to his bodybuilding rather than potential plastic surgery.
Even so, there are some things that no person can change about themselves no matter how hard they work out. For instance, it seems that Carrot Top had Botox injections at some point, among a few other cosmetic surgeries that he most likely had.
Furthermore, people have also accused Carrot Top of undergoing a brow lift a while ago, as his eyebrows seem to have arched considerably over the years. There aren’t many explanations for why his eyebrows have changed in shape other than plastic surgery, even though some have said that he goes overboard with makeup sometimes.
By comparing recent pictures of Carrot Top with pictures of his younger self, we see that his eyebrows changed in shape over the years, while his face has become more ‘shapely’ as well. It does seem that he had a brow lift at some point, and Botox injections on numerous occasions after all.

Carrot Top Plastic Surgery Before and After Botox Injections
All things considered, it seems that Carrot Top went under the knife on at least two occasions, for a brow lift and Botox injections.
There have been voices claiming that apart from the Botox, Carrot Top actually had other fillers injected into his face as well.
In the end, we aren’t in the business of making predictions, yet it does seem likely that Carrot Top will go under the knife again in the future.