[ads1 id=”alignright”]Julianna Margulies has been a commercially and critically successful actress ever since starring in NBC’s medical drama ER, in the Emmy Award-winning role of Nurse Carol Hathaway.
She had also voiced Neera the Iguanodon in Disney’s award-winning animation Dinosaur.
However, Julianna Margulies will probably not win any awards for allegedly having undergone plastic surgeries.
Why Julianna needed to go under the knife in the first place is probably beyond anyone’s comprehension. Sure, Julianna has been ageing, but she has always been a beautiful woman and most people will agree that she could have aged quite gracefully if she decided to remain natural.
However, Julianna’s appearance isn’t natural anymore if we are to believe celebrity watchers, and has undergone quite a number of transformations over the years.
After entering her forties, crow feet, sagging skin and wrinkles should have appeared on the face of Julianna Margulies by now. However, that is not the case. Apparently, Julianna may have gotten her facial skin tightened and her sagging skin and wrinkles smoothened out. Furthermore, she might have had a necklift as well.
It can be assumed that a very qualified plastic surgeon performed the facelift procedure that Jualianna is being accused of since even though her face is unusually free of wrinkles, it still looks pretty natural.

Julianna Margulies Facelift Plastic Surgery Before and After
In fact, it is not even obvious that Julianna may have gone under the knife unless they know for a fact that her youthful appearance could not have been achieved without some artificial help.
Moreover, along with a facelift, the perfect, shiny and taut look of the her face also suggests that Juliannas may have also had the ageing process reversed by getting Botox injected into her face.
Botox may have also contributed towards ridding her face of the sagging skin and wrinkles. Indeed, Jualianna Margulies now looks younger than she actually is, but she definitely does not appear to be a natural beauty anymore.