Lorde Beauty Routine
[ads1 id=”alignright”]Singing in front of thousands certainly requires confidence, but Lorde also has her amazing, curly hair, her beauty, and her choral, melodious voice to back her.
Ella Yelich-O’Connor, or Lorde as people know her as, has become a teen idol not only because of the fact that she looks gorgeous but apparently because of her interesting fashion choices and liking of an alternate lifestyle.
Lorde has already expressed her fondness for “goth vibes,” although she does not consider herself a true goth.
However, regardless of her goth/grunge look, Lorde has consecutively held the #1 spot on the Billboard charts. Along with several successful albums, Lorde also recently launched “Pure Heroine,” her own signature lipstick.
Along with her music, Lorde has been particularly under the spotlight because of how perfect her curly black locks tend to look. Strangely, despite shedding some light on her beauty routine, Lorde has not exactly named the curl product that she uses, rather she simply describes it as “hippie.”
Still, since her hairstyle has disclosed that she uses “Kérastase Crčme Oléo-Curl” on her hair, she probably uses the same as well. Just like her stylist, she too claims to use the cream on her damp hair and then allow her hair to dry. Lorde even claims that although her hair look good, it apparently feels and smells rather gross.
Her dark lip color is another beauty secret that Lorde has been willing to reveal. Then again, she has not exactly named the lip color apart from the fact that she has been wearing it for a long time, prior to which she used to wear bright orange.
Apparently, her choice of a dark lip color is also a result of those “goth vibes” and she claims that her current lip color is somewhere in between a lighter stain and a really strong matte finish.
Of course, since she has somewhat of a beauty routine, Lorde also has her own makeup essentials too. She claims that the liquid liner that she uses is “really thin.” With the help of her makeup artist, Lorde apparently also uses certain “shiny highlighters” that make her skin look “really dewy and fresh.”
Even though she is a bit vague when it comes to naming her favorite beauty products, it is obvious that her beauty routine is contributing to her goth/grunge look.