[ads1 id=”alignright”]There have always been rumors of plastic surgery surrounding Susan Lucci but they seem to be getting louder and louder recently.
One of the reasons behind these rumors is Susan’s clear skin and lack of wrinkles, which is unusual for a woman her age.
Even so, Susan has always claimed that she follows carefully planned beauty routines as well as a balanced diet plan, and that she had no plastic surgery whatsoever.
Still, the fact that Susan’s clear skin maintained its smoothness throughout the years is enough to make people wonder if the plastic surgery rumors are real after all. Susan did her best to deny these allegations whenever they’ve arised, but she seems to be losing the will to deny them anymore.
The once absolutely gorgeous Susan Lucci has now reached her sixties, and people would expect her to display some signs of aging. This isn’t the case however as Susan’s skin is as smooth now as it was 10 or 20 years ago.
If we are to compare recent pictures of Susan with pictures of her younger self, we see that not only did she maintain her impressive smooth skin, but that her already existing wrinkles have started to disappear over the course of these past few years. It does seem that she had Botox injections at least once.

Susan Lucci Plastic Surgery Before and After Botox Injections
Like we already said, Susan continues to deny that she went under the knife, although there is plenty of evidence that she had at least one facelift and dermal fillers injected into her face.
Over the years, Susan has been accused of having a facelift, getting fillers injected into her face, a nose job, and a brow lift among others.
We aren’t exactly an authority on the matter, so it would be hard to say for a fact if she indeed had the procedures people have been accusing her of, although there are plenty of pictures around to confirm them.