[ads1 id=”alignright”]Continuing our journey into the world of superheroes, we take a look at Hollywood’s hottest superheroes. It takes more than acting skill and personality to bring a superhero to life on the big screen, it takes good looks and composure.
Therefore, the ten people on our list aren’t just accomplished and reputable actors, but gorgeous looking people as well. Movies portraying superheroes are supposed to point out the best features of human character, the extremes of our moral compass, and the absolute limits of our bodies. This is precisely why most superheroes are good looking or at least interesting to look at, because they’re supposed to define what perfection looks like.
Long story short, here are the top ten hottest superheroes that Hollywood has to offer these days, and what a good looking bunch they are.
10. Jessica Alba
It wasn’t long ago that director Joss Whedon was complaining about the lack of female superheroes, and we can see why. Jessica, unfortunately, is the only woman in our top ten, and it would be quite hard for another one to make the list seeing how most superhero movies made by Hollywood lately have featured a male protagonist.
Even so, Jessica’s role as Sue Storm in The Fantastic Four has to be mentioned, as she looks absolutely stunning in it. The way Jessica looks in that blue catsuit is what wet dreams are made of, and we would like to see more of it.

Jessica Alba
9. Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Reynolds has always been famous for his natural good looks, so it comes as no surprise that he would be featured in a ‘hottest’ list yet again. This being said, Ryan looks absolutely amazing in his Green Lantern suit, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
In this movie, Ryan appears on camera wearing a tight spandex suit that manages to hold him together quite nicely. In all fairness, Ryan would look good in pretty much everything, but there’s just something about his Green Lantern suit that makes him look even more delicious than usual.

Ryan Reynolds
8. Andrew Garfield
Andrew is what you call a newcomer in the world of ridiculously good looking actors. As The Amazing Spider-Man, Andrew turned a few heads with his high standard of acting, and few more with his natural good looks.
Say what you say about the Andrew’s interpretation of The Amazing Spider-Man, there’s no denying the fact that he looks incredibly hot in that tight Spider-Man suit. Unlike most superheroes, Spider-Man isn’t buff or muscular, but agile and flexible. Fortunately for female fans everywhere, they managed to cast the perfect actor for it.

Andrew Garfield
7. Christian Bale
We can’t decide in which role Christian looks better: as Batman, or as Bruce Wayne? Either way, Christian’s take on the Batman is something to behold, even though it wouldn’t be fair not to give credit to the amazing script and directing as well.
There’s only so much that filming crews can do however, as the rest of Batman’s attractiveness comes from the man himself. Despite him wearing a full body black suit, Christian shows enough of his body to give us a good idea about how hot he really is.

Christian Bale
6. Jeremy Renner
Even though Hawkeye isn’t the most famous Avenger, doesn’t mean he isn’t interesting. He is so interesting in fact, that they are currently considering making a separate movie just for him.
As Hawkeye, Jeremy shoots his arrows with the grace of a ballerina, looking as cool as possible in the process. Now Jeremy has always been a looker, there is no denying that. For whatever reason, however, there is something really special about the way he looks as Hawkeye, or maybe it’s just the bow.

Jeremy Renner
5. Robert Downey Jr.
It wouldn’t be much of a stretch to call Robert a sex symbol, because he kind of is. Robert has always been admired for his boyish good looks and sensible approach to acting, but as Iron Man, he outdid himself.
Not only is he incredibly good looking in the Iron Man Suit, but he looks amazingly dapper as Tony Stark as well. Combine his natural good looks with his witty line-delivery, and you have yourself the perfect actor, which Robert Downey Jr. subjectively is.

Robert Downey Jr.
4. Henry Cavill
It neither a bird nor a plane, it’s Henry Cavill, the hottest Superman to ever appear on screen. When it comes down to it, they really could not have picked a better Superman, as Henry is perfect for the job.
Henry is the type of actor you could watch in a movie and forget what the movie was all about immediately after it ends. Although this isn’t what Superman’s producers had in mind, you can’t really deny that Henry is one of the hottest superheroes to come from Hollywood.

Henry Cavill
3. Chris Evans
Chris has some sort of magnetism for superhero roles, and we don’t really mind. As the Human Torch in The Fantastic Four he was literally the hottest actor on screen. As Captain America, Chris lets off an incredibly sexual vibe, or at least that’s how we felt watching him.
Fortunately, we get to see Chris in a number of movies lately, from Captain America to The Avengers, and he looks amazingly hot in all of them.

Chris Evans
2. Mark Ruffalo
You wouldn’t think that we would dare to put the Incredible Hulk on a ‘hottest’ list, well, we’ve done it. In all fairness, we’re not so much interested in his green alter-ego as we are interested in Bruce Banner.
In The Avengers, Mark manages to capture the essence of Bruce Banner and the anguish of Hulk quite well, and he does so while being incredibly good looking.

Mark Ruffalo
1. Chris Hemsworth
It doesn’t really come much of a surprise to have freaking Thor as our number one hottest superhero in Hollywood. Chris Hemsworth can make ice cubes melt just by looking at them. The man is so incredibly sexy that we’re willing to ignore the giant hammer he carries around everywhere.
As far as audiences are concerned, a recent study shows Thor moving past Superman to become the number one superhero according to women from 20 different countries. It easy to see why most women would find Chris Hemsworth attractive, and the fact that he keeps playing strong, manly characters makes him even more popular.

Chris Hemsworth