Jennifer Aniston Diet Plan

Jennifer Aniston Diet Plan

[ads1 id=”alignright”]Beautiful and talented, Jennifer Aniston doesn’t really appear to be aging if we are to look at her recent films, given how youthful and radiant she looks.

Despite being in her late 40s, she displays a surprisingly fit body, a peak physical condition Jennifer attributes to a healthy diet and a strict workout routine.

Jennifer says that she used to be concerned about toning her body in her younger days, but that she learned how to take it slower with time, preferring a ‘little softer’ approach to working out.

Her diet plan involves five meals a day or at least three whenever she doesn’t find time for all five. According to her personal trainer Kathy Kaehler, Jennifer isn’t that interested in calorie counting, just as long as she eats at least three nutritious meals every day.

Before Jennifer Aniston has her breakfast, she drinks a bit of warm water and lemon. She then follows through with her breakfast that consists of eggs, a shake, avocado, and coconut oil. She sometimes eats sliced tomatoes with avocado on toast as well, but not every day.

As for her lunch, Jennifer prefers eating a Mediterranean salad with bulgur, cucumbers, mint, red onion, feta cheese, parsley, pistachios, and garbanzo beans.

Jennifer also eats eggs during lunch sometimes, eggs that she picks from her own chicken coop according to the actress herself.

For dinner, Jennifer usually eats a light meal consisting of boiled vegetables with eggs, but also a glass of wine to top it all. Throughout the day, however, Jennifer drinks about three to four 23-ounce bottles of water.

According to Jennifer, water is quite a habit for her and she recommends it to anyone looking to live a healthy lifestyle. She claims that water plays the most important role in her diet, especially when combined with fresh vegetables and light meals.

Last but not least, the actress follows a very flexible workout routine every day. She sometimes does cardio exercises but also abides by a carefully planned out fitness routine, designed in such a way so that it won’t put much pressure on Jennifer’s hip flexor injury that prevents her from doing yoga or any other physically-demanding exercises.