[ads1 id=”alignright”]It wasn’t so long ago that Disney announced that they will be remaking Cinderella as a feature movie in the near future.
They have apparently chosen Lilly James to give life to Cinderella, which is a pretty wise decision actually.
This made us think about other celebrities, and what their role could be in a Disney story if they were to to be remade as movies. In particular, we wondered about which actresses could play Disney princesses if it ever came to that, and what attributes would recommend them for the job
Cinderella – Lily James

Cinderella – Lily James
Disney knows how to bring stories to life, they have been doing it since forever it seems. So when they said that Lilly James will be Cinderella in their next feature, most people nodded in agreement. Lilly is the type of actress that isn’t afraid of difficult roles, as she has shown in her last few projects. As far as Cinderella is concern however, Lilly shouldn’t do much adapting work, as the role seems to fit her quite well.
Even so, Disney says that Cinderella director Kenneth Branagh will have a lot of creative freedom for this project, which might raise some concern for those who prefer traditional stories over updated ones. Still, Cinderella isn’t the type of story that leaves much for interpretation, although Kenneth could still mess things up if he really wanted to.
Ariel – Emma Stone

Ariel – Emma Stone
Emma has proven herself as an exceptional actress time and time again. Even so, above her undeniable talent, above her natural good looks, and above her versatility, Emma as a flaming red hair. If you remember the animated story, Ariel is supposed to be a read haired, slim-bodies mermaid. Honestly, who else would you prefer to play Ariel if not Emma Stone?
Although we don’t know much about Emma’s swimming capabilities, we are confident that she can swim well enough for this to not be a problem if it comes to that. Furthermore, seeing how Cinderella’s director enjoys a lot of creative freedom, then maybe Ariel’s producers could come up with a way for Prince Eric to not be such a tool after all.
Belle – Taylor Swift

Belle – Taylor Swift
Most people know about Taylor’s musical talent and recognize her for her good looks. Few people however, know about Taylor’s acting talent, a talent that she revealed during her many TV appearances in recent years. Even though Belle’s hair color differs from Taylor’s natural hair, we are positive about her match overall.
Furthermore, it would be quite poetic for Taylor Swift of all people, to finally find the right prince to end her story with a ‘happily ever after’. As a matter of fact, we should probably get Hollywood on the line and tell them about our ideas straight away.
Snow White – Selena Gomez

Snow White – Selena Gomez
The beautiful and talented Selena Gomez is accustomed to playing fairy tale characters, as her career started at Disney. During her first years as an actress, Selena starred in Disney Channel’s ‘Wizards of Waverly Place’, and she did so with a passion.
She was also part of the ‘Cinderella Story’ later on, which is another role that sheds light on Selena’s enormous talent as a fairy tale character. This being said, it doesn’t take much imagination to picture her as Snow White, not when she clearly shows a real inclination for such a job. Seriously, try to picture Selena instead of unsmiling Kirsten Stewart as Snow White and you’ll come to the same conclusion.
Jasmine – Kim Kardashian

Jasmine – Kim Kardashian
Maybe Kim isn’t your traditional pure maiden / innocent princess, but she could definitely play one. Although Kim isn’t young anymore, she could still pull off the Jasmine look if she had to, because let’s be honest, there aren’t many choices at our disposal at this time. If you manage to set aside whatever preconceptions you may have about Kim Kardashian, you will see clear as day that she has everything it takes to be a good Jasmine.
Still, there are more than a few middle-eastern actresses in Hollywood that could bring Jasmine to life, but not many of them could attract the attention a movie with Kim Kardashian would. If Taylor Swift could play Belle in our fantasy, then why couldn’t Kim be Jasmine?
Mulan – Brenda Song

Mulan – Brenda Song
Even though Kim might have been a bit of a stretch, our next potential princess might just fit her role like a glove. Brenda Song has proven time and time again that she has what it takes to impress on the big screen, and Mulan might just be the next logical step for her.
As a character, Mulan shows independence, maturity, bravery, and compassion, all being attributes that Brenda has shown throughout her career. The best part about casting Brenda as Mulan is the fact that she is still in her young 20’s. So at least from this point of view, producers wouldn’t have to treat the leading actress with a tone of makeup.