Chris Hemsworth Diet Plan

Chris Hemsworth Diet Plan

Chris Hemsworth Diet Plan

[ads1 id=”alignright”]Chris Hemsworth is currently one of the most admired and desired men on the planet, and it isn’t by chance that people hold the Australian actor in such a high regard.

Apart from his brilliant acting, Chris also has the looks of a God, and we say this quite literally. You see, despite his earlier work, most people seem to recognize him for his role as Thor, the Norse God of Thunder.

No matter how good someone’s genetics are, they won’t get the body of a God by sitting around all day. It wasn’t long ago that we talked about Chris’ workout routine for the movie Thor, and we felt that we owed you information regarding his diet plan.

Furthermore, the following diet plan may have been used by Chris in order to get in shape for the Thor movie, but the actor claims that he stayed true to it long after the filming was over.

In regards to his diet plan, a modest Chris Hemsworth said that he basically overfed on chicken breast, protein, fish, vegetables, and brown rice. He also claims to have drank around five liters of water every day. Upon further investigation, we found out the exact diet plan Chris followed while getting in shape for the ‘Thor’ movie, and although we won’t guarantee that you’ll get as buff as he is by following it, we will say that it is a good way to start.

The 8 daily meals of a Norse God

Christ started his day with a morning meal containing:

  • scrambled egg whites
  • a large bowl of oatmeal with skim milk
  • a sliced peach
  • a cup of low fat vanilla yogurt
  • a whole wheat bagel with light cream cheese

His second meal contained:

  • a peanut butter and banana sandwich
  • a cup of strawberries
  • a cup of low fat yogurt
  • a cup of milk

His third meal contained:

  • a spinach and veggie salad with fat free dressing
  • between 8-12 ounces of diced chicken

His fourth meal (pre-workout) contained:

  • two chicken sandwiches with cheese

His fifth meal contained:

  • a piece of fruit
  • enough pre-workout supplements to help with the workout

His sixth meal (post-workout) contained:

  • a scoop of casein protein powder
  • a cup of orange juice
  • a banana
  • a cup of milk
  • one teaspoon of honey

His seventh meal contained:

  • a steak (8-13 ounces)
  • baked potatoes
  • a spinach salad with fresh veggies and fat free dressing

His eigth and final meal before bed contained:

  • a scoop of casein protein (this feeds the muscles throughout the night)

Although Chris put a lot of effort into his workout routine, protein supplements played a big part into his superhero transformation. Most of all, the use of amino acids before every workout session helped him the proper anabolic environment needed for muscle gain. Last but not least, Chris needed to follow both his diet plan and his workout routine to the letter, which is exactly what he did.