[ads1 id=”alignright”]Despite the fact that she isn’t exactly a young woman anymore, the beautiful Elizabeth Hurley seems to have retained the natural good looks that made her famous all those years ago.
Even though she is now in her 50s, Elizabeth shows very few signs of aging, looking as good nowadays as she did back in her ‘Bedazzled’ days.
However, some say that not all of Liz’s features are natural, seeing how she allegedly went under the knife a couple of times throughout the years.
First of all, rumor has it that Elizabeth Hurley had breast augmentation surgery at some point, as it appears that her breasts have gotten slightly bigger over time.
It would be hard to pinpoint the exact moment in which Liz had her alleged breast implants, although it was sometime during the late 90s if we are to believe celebrity watchers.

Elizabeth Hurley Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery Before and After
If we are to look at pictures of young Elizabeth Hurley, we see that she had slightly smaller breasts in those days compared to how her chest looks like now.

Elizabeth Hurley Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery Before and After
According to plastic surgeon Dr. Lucy Glancey, the actress also had a semi-permanent Restylane injection into her lips at some point, considering how pouty her lips look.
It also appears that Elizabeth Hurley had Botox injected into her face, judging by the lack of wrinkles around her eyes and forehead, especially for a woman her age.
All things considered, Liz did her best to deny going under the plastic surgeon’s knife, but if we are to judge her by how she looks, we tend to think otherwise.