Gemma Atkinson Workout Routine

Gemma Atkinson Workout Routine

[ads1 id=”alignright”]A body like the one Gemma Atkinson has doesn’t come easy, you know, it requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and discipline.

Truth be told, good genetics also play an important role into her natural good looks, but for the most part, it all comes down to how much effort she is willing to put into her workout routine.

Interestingly enough, the former Hollyoaks actress measures her body weight by staying away from weighing scales and instead uses body fat-to-muscle ratio to measure herself and what clothes should fit her.

We have to admit that given her body shape, she must be doing it right because, for a woman who stays away from scales, she is well fit by all standards. What’s also interesting is that Gemma pressured herself into starting to work out, wanting to rid herself of unwanted fat.

Over time, Gemma did get to hate working out at some point because of the intensity of her workout sessions, but she doesn’t appear to feel the same way these days. In fact, Gemma appears to enjoy working out as often as she finds the time.

Gemma starts her day at about 4:30 AM with some Yoga exercises. She follows these exercises with a 30-minute exercise bike session which she tries not to miss if she can help it.Furthermore, Gemma says that she never works out during the day because according to her, exercising during the day makes her overly sleepy and, therefore, makes it difficult for her to wake up the next morning.

This being said, Gemma also follows a rather strict diet plan which involves a lot of vegetables and fruits. At the same time, she tries to stay away from junk food as much as possible, although she will sometimes indulge with some chocolate or sweets.

All things considered, the beautiful English actress credits her workout success mainly to her positive attitude. According to Gemma, without a positive attitude, you’ll hardly get the appropriate mood to exercise when needed.

In the end, Gemma advises her fans to make the most of their own bodies and to stop idolizing perfect bodies because hardly anyone has one. Even so, she says that short workout sessions, no matter what exercises they involve, are likely to make people feel better about themselves and healthy at the same time.