[ads1 id=”alignright”]Following our piece on who would make a good Bond, we will now take a look at a few actors who could have been picked to play Batman instead of Ben Affleck.
We should start off by saying that we have nothing against Ben, as he is an accomplished actor and an amazing person.
It’s just that people feel there were a few other choices better than him, especially for a role of such weight.
Those of you who were following the news at the time when Ben was announced as the new Batman will know how much of an outrage this caused with the fans of the franchise and moviegoers alike. Although we feel that an actor as talented as Ben Affleck will have few problems fitting Batman’s shoes eventually, here are a few actors who might have been more appropriate to play the famous superhero.
Gerard Butler
How about it? A rugged and manly Batman that would look like none other than King Leonidas himself. As far as physical characteristics are concerned, Gerard Butler fits Batman’s profile like a glove.
He even has that Batman look about him, a look that is so consistent with the comic books in so many ways. As for the Bruce Wayne part, it is enough to watch Gerard during interviews to understand how well he would impersonate Batman’s alter ego should he be required to do so. Diehard Batman fans will tell you that Batman is supposed to be a hard and manly character, and we are confident Gerard Butler meets those requirements perfectly.

Gerard Butler
Jon Hamm
Most people know Jon for his Don Draper character in Mad Men, but he is more versatile than that. Jon is the type of actor who brings a bit of class to every role he plays, and a more classy Batman wouldn’t go amiss.
We talked about a rugged and manly Batman, but what about a classy one? Sure, maybe Ben Affleck can pull off classy to some extent, but Jon Hamm is in a different class altogether. What matters most here is that Jon can play a Batman that can appear to be losing himself gradually while maintaining a clear sight on justice and what is right.

Jon Hamm
Karl Urban
Karl played a wonderful Dredd not so long ago, so maybe it is time for a bigger role. It wasn’t so long ago that Karl Urban played the role of Dredd, a role in which he was supposed to appear on screen in a full body armor that covered his face as well.
Apparently, being a big fan of Dredd while growing up, Karl understood the importance of keeping the mask on at all times, which makes him a perfect candidate for the Batman role.
Karl would be a perfect Batman we feel, not just because of his commitment to play masked heroes, but because of his mysterious persona, and the way he handles himself as an enigmatic man.

Karl Urban
Michael Fassbender
Ever since ‘300’, Michael Fassbender has been on an ascending trajectory both professionally and personally. We had the pleasure of seeing Michael in some pretty interesting roles these past few years, and he impressed us in every single one of them. Recently, Michael did a wonderful job as Magneto, a character which he played exactly how he is portrayed in the comic book.
This almost religious attention to details makes Michael one of the most capable actors in Hollywood these days, and we would love to see him in a bat suit. Because of his recent roles, Michael had to suffer some changes in weight in general appearance, which means that the bat suit might have to readjusted. Even so, Michael is a versatile actor, and he would have no problem playing the famous superhero according to the comic book if given the chance.

Michael Fassbender
Benedict Cumberbatch
At this point in time, our beloved Sherlock and Khan needs no formal presentation. We only have to talk about whether not he would have time for such a project, as he seems to be getting work from all major studios.
As for the question if he would make a good Batman or not, the answer is absolutely. Think about it, not only is he a talented and well-adjusted actor, but he is quite tall and handsome. We would like nothing more than seeing Batman played by an actor who resembles the comic book version so much.
Not only is he perfect for the role of Batman from the fans’ point of view, but he can also provide some eye candy for the female audience.

Benedict Cumberbatch
Josh Brolin
Josh handled himself admirably in ‘No Country for Old Men’ and ‘Oldboy’, and there is no reason we can think of why he couldn’t be Batman if he was given the opportunity. Sure, playing gritty revenge thrillers might be a bit different than playing a superhero movie, especially someone as grim as Batman. Still, there is no doubt in our mind that an experienced actor such as Josh could play the role the way it it meant to be played.
The only real issue here might be the fact that Josh isn’t a top dog in the movie industry, and he isn’t the only one on our list who finds himself in that position.

Josh Brolin
Robert Downey Jr.
As one of the most versatile actors in the business, there is literally nothing Robert Downey Jr. couldn’t play. After seeing him fight evil as Iron Man, we can safely say that he fits the superhero profile perfectly.
Not only this, but the Tony Stark role could provide Robert with a great insight into the mindset of an eccentric billionaire, thus helping him make the transition to Bruce Wayne faster. We understand that Robert as Batman is a bit of a stretch, but then again, so is Ben Affleck.

Robert Downey Jr.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Jeffrey did a wonderful job the last time he played as a superhero in ‘The Watchmen’, which is why he should do well as Batman as well. Although most people know him from Grey’s Anatomy, there is more to him than meets the eye.
Speaking of what meets the eye, Jeffrey is one of the most handsome actors in the business, a characteristic that doesn’t necessarily fit the Batman profile, even though it fits the one of Bruce Wayne. It is for the pretty-boy billionaire / grim superhero duality that Jeffrey should be given a chance as Batman, as it would be a truly unique experience for all of us.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan
David Boreanaz
Most of you know David for his roles in ‘Bones’ and ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’, but there’s more to David than TV shows. Due to his ability to play serious yet interesting characters, there is a good chance that he would fit the enigmatic role of Bruce Wayne rather well.
David is known for having a certain charisma about him, the type of charm that draws attention to him the moment he enters a room. From this point of view, David is 100% perfect for the role of Bruce Wayne, even though there is no way of knowing how well he would fit the Batman role.

David Boreanaz
Eion Bailey
Eion is the the type of eye candy that would immediately capture the female audience in his charm. As for the superhero part, we only have his role in Fight Club to go by, a role in which he has showed great composure and awareness.
The great thing about Eion is how relatively unknown he is despite his immense potential and natural good looks, which might sell the Batman character better. You see, people want to sympathize with the character as much as possible during the viewing of any film, and it gets kind of hard to do that with an actor that they saw in many different roles beforehand.

Eion Bailey