Emily Blunt Diet Plan
[ads1 id=”alignright”]At some point in her career, Emily Blunt had starred in three different films in just one year and was looking to raise the rhythm even further.
As a result, many of Emily Blunt’s film roles have led her down the path of extreme dieting, leaving her with less of a chance to eat properly or even indulge in her favorite guilty pleasures.
Emily Blunt claims that back when she had been selected for the role of Emily Charlton in “The Devil Wears Prada” she had been put on a diet almost as extremely strict as that of her character.
According to her, while following that infamous diet, she was not allowed to eat too much and they “watched [her] like a hawk.” In other words, she had likely been starving herself. She even admits that in order to “annoy the producers” she would sneak in doughnuts.
Emily Blunt has often had to subject herself to extreme diets simply in order to fulfill a film role and she often tends to rebel against such strict diets by munching on junk food.
Emily states that for her, food is a way to relieve stress at any given time. She believes that usually it is food that provides her with comfort after she has spent her entire day on a film set.
Emily Blunt also had to remain outrageously slim for her role in “The Adjustment Bureau,” and her diet was so extreme that seeing steamed pork buns actually made her cry.
Apparently, this was because she was allowed to eat anything but almonds, carrots, and some bread. Despite being healthy as garnishing, these two foods are not healthy as entire meals.
When she is not specifically dieting for a film role, Emily Blunt actually eats proper food. Pizzas with basil and burrata cheese are apparently her favorite.
Emily also claims to be fond of lasagna and roast chicken. Along with extreme dieting, Emily Blunt has also often had to work out strenuously for her film roles, which is probably the reason she always looks so fit and slim.